Aims and Objectives
[In process]
Michael Lee
Dr Michael Lee has been a professor at the California State University East Bay since 1996, specializing in the sustainability of natural resources management. He received his Bachelors degree in Geography with minors in Economics and Soil Mechanics from the University of Nottingham (1982) and his Ph.D. in Geography/Hydrology from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1990). He previously taught natural resources planning and management at the Pan-American School of Agriculture (Zamorano), Honduras (1993-96) and has worked as a consultant for various resource-related agencies both in California and internationally over the last three decades. He was appointed the Director of Education and Policy for the newly established Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) Aquaculture Center in 2015, and is the MLML Visiting Scientist for 2016-17 where he will work on developing aquaculture curriculum and on aquaculture life cycle cost assessment.
Nikoleta Ntalamagka
Originally from Greece, Nikoleta holds a Ptychio (five year study) in Ichthyology (University of Thessaly, Greece) and an MSc in Sustainable Aquaculture (University of Stirling, UK). She is currently a PhD student at the University of Sunshine Coast (QLD, Australia). Her industry sponsored PhD study examines the reproductive biology of the pearl oyster, P. maxima, and develop approaches to improve the manipulation of the sex ratio and conditioning to enable their better control in commercial hatcheries (