Small Scale Fisheries

Decent Work in Small-scale Fisheries

Below are Capacity Development Modules on Decent Work in Small-scale Fisheries. They consist of five information modules in Spanish in which the issue of work and decent work in fisheries were developed, targeting the people of the artisanal fisheries sector. Module 5 is on the participation of women in artisanal fisheries.

The following five modules can be found at

Módulo 1: La pesca artesanal: El caso de Costa Rica
Módulo 2: Trabajo y empleo decente
Módulo 3: Trabajo y empleo decente en la pesca artesanal
Módulo 4: La niñez y la juventud en la pesca artesanal
Módulo 5: La participación de las mujeres en la pesca artesanal

The modules are aimed at providing practical and accessible information to artisanal fishers on the issue of rural employment and decent work that allows them to reflect on the subject for the improvement of their quality of life.

Supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the process of developing the modules allowed CoopeSoliDar R.L. in conjunction with the various governmental and non-governmental bodies concerned, to initiate a process of research, dissemination and awareness concerning unfavorable employment conditions existing in the artisanal fisheries sector, including the shellfish harvesting sector in Costa Rica and the Spanish-speaking countries of Central America.