Potential Eel Culture – Western Victoria

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Potential Eel Culture – Western Victoria


Aquaculture without Frontiers involvementTraditional eel trap (courtesy contextpl)
AwF was recently invited to a meeting to discuss options for reviving the culturing of short fin Eels at Lake Condah. The request was made by Deakin University, with whom we have an MOU to share and partner in like-minded projects. Communication between the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and Deakin University had created this event and discussion centred on practical ideas and projects for the future. Paul Liew delivered a presentation to the delegation on behalf of AwF.

Focus of Intent
Engagement between the Gunditj Mirring Corporation who look after Lake Condah and the Budj Bim cultural landscape and Deakin University has been in steady progress over the last few years towards developing a bush tucker market garden and Kooyang aquaponics farm for the mission on Lake Condah. A mixed business model was envisioned to sustain the local indigenous population; it would provide skills and learning opportunities for the community and develop a business plan based on agriculture, tourism and sustainability. The partnership with Deakin would also develop and exploit the research potential in the lakes for aquatic research due to their diverse geographical and historical background.

Eels represent a mystical and magnificent existence and their ability to survive under challenging conditions is well known. The cultural value of re-establishing the eel fishery cannot be overstated.

The brief for the meeting was to determine what aquaculture methods would suit the lake and its surroundings as well as pinpoint strategic areas to develop the farming of eels.

Click here to read the full Report prepared by Paul Liew – Volunteers’ Secretariat
November 2015
