Loaves and fishes – Charity formed for milling and aquaculture

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Loaves and fishes – Charity formed for milling and aquaculture

Establishment AwF UK

Establishment AwF UK

The Charity Commission of the UK has confirmed the registration of Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF UK), as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

AwF (UK) CIO will have a few differences to AwF (USA-Global) and AwF (Australia) in that it will connect with the milling and grain industry as well as its usual connections with the seafood industry.

This new UK charity will see a unique program created, initially called ‘Loaves & Fishes,’ which will enable it to attract donators, sponsors and supporters to engage in either milling and/or aquaculture programs as they are established.

Roger Gilbert is the inaugural Chairman and Trustee for AwF (UK) CIO. He is publisher and CEO of Perendale Publishers Limited which produces Milling and Grain magazine (first published in 1891) and its sister publication International Aquafeed and the annual directory, The International Milling and Grain Directory. All three publications focus on storage, processing and transportation technologies, and nutrition as they relate to milling and animal feeding.

Mr. Gilbert says, “Milling is pivotal to affordable, safe and plentiful food supplies – from flour, cereal and rice-based foodstuffs to animal feed rations, our publications deal in technological advancement throughout the transport, storage and production chain and in nutritional developments that improve the efficiency and safety of food production globally.

As the industry’s oldest magazine, we are particularly keen to see the continued and timely transfer of that information to make a difference in the poorer countries of the world.”

Executive Director, Roy Palmer, who is also a trustee of the new charity says, “Our first actions will be to establish a strong, skilled Board and to start the process to undertake project work which is consistent with AwF UK’s objectives.

Now that we have the approval in place we can start getting our plans moving. The UK will allow us to have that north-south type of arrangement, through which we can utilize connections that are already there in the UK with Africa and build relationships.

Cliff Spencer, CEO of the United Nations-backed Global Biotechnology Transfer Foundation and Goodwill Ambassador for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has agreed to join the charity’s new board. We are also very thankful for the effort of Simon Birks, Director, Sherbornes Solicitors Limited, in being very thorough with the administration involved in setting up a charity and we are pleased to report that he will be working with us into the future.”

The news came though whilst both Messrs Gilbert and Palmer were attending the Aquaculture 2016 in Las Vegas and in good time for the US-Global AwF Board meeting which is being held in Boston on March 7, 2016. They discussed the new organization, following the announcement, in a short video which can be viewed at https://youtu.be/ItVONm_v_EE.
