AwF-Bishramganj project sees progress – report now available
Category:UpdatesTwo AwF volunteers have supplied a progress report on our activities in Tripura, India within the AwF-Bishramganj project. The full report can be accessed by clicking here. It may also be accessed from our Projects page.
Seventy-five poor or marginal farmers (and their families), mostly from tribal origins, have received support in developing small-scale aquaculture and a hatchery has been built through this project. Inevitably some farmers have been more successful than others, while economic weaknesses and both droughts and floods have caused difficulties in implementation. The report from these volunteers includes two interesting case studies of the experiences of individual farmers that have benefitted from our project. The report also describes infrastructure improvements at the St. Xavier’s Vocational Training Centre, including fish breeding facilities. These improvments not only facilitiate the supply of seed fish to farmers within the programme but are helping to train local rural youths in fish culture. It is good to read of the significant impact that AwF support has had on some poor families in this remote area of India.