AwF-UA farmer-to-farmer programme trip report for Bangladesh

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AwF-UA farmer-to-farmer programme trip report for Bangladesh


AwF Director Dr. Kevin Fitzsimmons visited Bangladesh from 24 January to 1 February 2011 to conduct field visits, tour several tilapia hatcheries, meet with several NGO’s supporting aquaculture projects, speak at Bangladesh Agricultural University and visit with partners of an AwF project.

In addition to meeting with farmers and hatchery managers who had requested assistance, and with past and present partners on AwF projects, Dr. Fitzsimmons met with many of the leading aquaculture research and development professionals in the country. The lack of aquaculture extension expertise was a constant concern thus the role of NGO’s has been critical to supporting this activity in the face of limited governmental support. Recommendations for building extension support and training were provided along with suggestions of how hatchery staff and feed companies might also contribute. The industry is growing rapidly and the level of sophistication is impressive. There is a desire to build a processing plant for value-added products for sale domestically as well as to generate foreign exchange.

The report is now posted on our Projects page:
