AwF contribution to Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development

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AwF contribution to Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development


FARMD-logoAwF Executive Director Roy Palmer and Director Dave Conley contributed to the recent edition of the World Bank’s FARMD Focus on Risk Management in the Aquaculture Sector.

From Issue No. 13 – Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development –

Dear Colleague,

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food production sectors. Aquaculture faces risks similar to those of the agriculture sector, however given the complexity of aquaculture in terms of species, environments, and systems the hazards and risks are higher than the crop sector. This FARMD Featured Topic brings together a selection of resources and authors working in the aquaculture sector to address some of these risks and highlight some of the available risk management options.

To read the articles included in this issue, click here.

To read Risk Management for Smallholders in Aquaculture: The Work of Aquaculture without Frontiers, click here.
