AwF project in Bangladesh enters its fourth year

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AwF project in Bangladesh enters its fourth year


We recently received a progress report from our project in Bangladesh, Poverty Alleviation through Small Scale Aquaculture (PATSSA), that you can read by clicking here, and are extremely pleased to hear that the number of participating farmers has increased by 22 in the fourth year, from 89 farmers in the third year, for a total now of 111 participants. The ponds we have helped to build are sources of income for many marginal families as well as their primary source of nutrition. Support from the project has made the farmers more confident fish culturists and helped forge strong links between fingerling producers, government officials and fish traders. This in turn will strengthen efforts to develop this sustainable approach to fish culture, which is very importnant for continued success.

To all who have supported this work, our sincere thanks!

Farmers selling their harvest of fish
